The exhibition
Indoor/Outdoor is the outgrowth of an international friendship between artists from Sweden and Southern California. How interior and exterior spaces in our two countries are perceived and then addressed in visual terms resulted in a vibrant pair of exhibitions held in San Diego, California, in June 2019, at the Athenaeum Art Center and the San Diego Art Institute.
Traditional and contemporary print production techniques used by the Swedish artists of Krogen Amerika combine beautifully with the varied and wide-ranging visual art methods used by members of Feminist Image Group, based in San Diego, California. In addition to the exhibitions, activities included a print workshop hosted by the visiting Swedish artists, and participation in a Midsomer Festival, an important Swedish tradition honoring the goddesses of fertility.
A catalog of the exhibit is available on
Indoor/Outdoor, Anne De Geer, Krogen |
Room in the Forest, Ann-Lis Enlund, Krogen |
Virgen Does Graffiti, Alessandra Moctezuma, FIG |
Carnitas Virgen, Alessandra Moctezuma, FIG |
Altered by the Land, Alise Sheehan, FIG |
Body of Light, Alise Sheehan, FIG |
What I Like about the Property: Homestead I, Anna Stump, FIG |
Visitor, Berit Hammerbäck, Krogen |
Reflection, Berit Hammerbäck, Krogen |
Home I, Caroline Färnström, Krogen |
Home II, Caroline Färnström, Krogen |
Rest, Christina Ruthger, Krogen |
The Beauty of the Beast, Christina Ruthger, Krogen |
My Own Place, Cecilia Uhlin, Krogen |
The Winner Takes It All, Cecilia Uhlin, Krogen |
Oklahoma Girl in a California World, Cindy Zimmerman, FIG |
Can't Hide (Performance costume), Grace Gray-Adams, FIG |
Girl in a Suit I, Åsa Kvissberg, FIG & Krogen |
Girl in a Suit II, Åsa Kvissberg, FIG & Krogen |
Girl in a Suit III, Åsa Kvissberg, FIG & Krogen |
Monster Mama, Helen Redman, FIG |
Passing Through, Irene Abraham, FIG |
Urban Jingle, Irene Abraham, FIG |
Life Comes Back, Isabelle Nilsson, Krogen |
My Kids and Majsan on the Stairs, Isabelle Nilsson, Krogen |
Suburban Seed Bank, Judith Christensen, FIG |
We Must Cultivate Our Garden, Judith Christensen, FIG |
East of Eden II, Jeanne Dunn, FIG |
Look Out, Jeanne Dunn, FIG |
Do My Windows Need Cleaning!, Jenny Treece Jorup, Krogen |
Inside Looking Out, Kirsten Aaboe, FIG |
We Are All Inside Out, Kirsten Aaboe, FIG |
Summertime Fun, Kathy Miller, FIG |
Defense, Kathleen Mitchell, FIG |
Revealed, Kathleen Mitchell, FIG |
Bigger in the Outside, Kathy Nida, FIG |
The Birth, Kim Niehans, FIG |
Life in the Sun, Karin Strand, Krogen |
Outdoor Lamp, Karin Strand, Krogen |
Custom, Lisa Hutton, FIG |
Open Floor Plan, Lisa Hutton, FIG |
Armor Protection Series 11, Linda Litteral, FIG |
Armor Protection Series 13, Linda Litteral, FIG |
Endangered San Diego, Linda Litteral, FIG |
Heavenly Swing, Lena Möller, Krogen |
Inside the Barn, Lena Möller, Krogen |
In House, Lynn Susholtz, FIG |
Water Palm, Lynn Susholtz, FIG |
Summer and Root Beer, Moya Devine, FIG |
The Snake Charmer, Moya Devine, FIG |
Sensitive Forest, Marina Holmberg, Krogen |
The Weather in April, Marina Holmberg, Krogen |
Dancing in the Dark, Pia Göransson-Lie, Krogen |
Norwegian Wood, Pia Göransson-Lie, Krogen |
California Fetish, Pasha Turley, FIG |
After Work, Randi Leirnes, Krogen |
Long Way Home, Randi Leirnes, Krogen |
Specimen Drawer, California Condor Skull & Egg, Stacie Birky Greene, FIG |
Specimen Drawer: Endangered San Diego Eggs, Stacie Birky Greene, FIG |
Orange Tree and Bluebird, Susan J. Osborn, FIG |
Miles, Terri Hughes-Oelrich, FIG |
Miles & Miles 1, Terri Hughes-Oelrich, FIG |
Miles & Miles 2, Terri Hughes-Oelrich, FIG |
Indoor Outdoor I, Tina Liljegren, Krogen |
Indoor Outdoor II, Tina Liljegren, Krogen |